A brown shipping box with a black seatbelt strapped around it representing the question, will you ship to my clinic.

Will you ship to my clinic?

At The World Egg and Sperm Bank, we understand that your journey toward parenthood is unique, and we’re dedicated to making it as smooth as possible. Today we answer the often asked question, “will you ship to my clinic?”. Our commitment to ethics, seamless processes, and client satisfaction sets us apart in the world of fertility services.


The Financial Side of Egg Donation: How Much Do Egg Donors Make?

While egg donation isn’t a fulltime job, it takes consistent commitment and significant time dedicated to this process. You might be wondering what possible benefits or compensation you can expect during and after the journey is over. How much do egg donors make? Don’t stress! There are a multitude of benefits to reward our donors for their time and efforts to help build families.

Keep reading and we’ll lay down the positive perks of becoming an egg donor!

women's face faded in the background while she holds an IUD in one hand.

Can You Be An Egg Donor With An IUD?

When it comes to donating your eggs, you might think that if you can donate using one form of birth control, you can donate on any form. Well, birth control is NOT all or nothing, and each can have their own components! Some birth control methods DO and DON’T harmonize perfectly with egg donation, unfortunately becoming a disqualifying factor. But don’t worry, many forms are in fact accepted. Curious whether you can be an egg donor with an IUD, or another form?

A group of sperm in front of a light blue background

The Purpose and Process of a Sperm Bank

In the realm of reproductive technology, sperm banks play a crucial role in fulfilling the dreams of individuals and couples longing to start a family. Let’s delve into the fascinating history and intricate processes that define what a sperm bank is and how it contributes to the journey of parenthood.

can you donate eggs if your tubes are tied?

Can You Donate Eggs If Your Tubes Are Tied? Here’s the Facts

Tubal litigation is a highly efficient way to permanently prevent future pregnancy among women who have decided not to choose the lifepath of parenthood. Even though you may not want children, you might be considering donating your eggs to help another aspiring family that is struggling with infertility. But you may be unsure of whether you can help someone get pregnant if you yourself cannot.

Black background with a basket, containing eggs. on a wooden table

What You Need to Know About The Donor Egg Cost

In the realm of assisted reproductive technology, the decision to use donor eggs can be a significant step towards building the family you’ve always dreamed of. As you embark on this journey, it’s crucial to be well-informed about the process, donor egg cost involved, and the unique offerings of The World Egg and Sperm Bank.
